Thanks to Chuck Hall for all his hard work in pulling together the 2012 SoMeBizLife Conference, and to my track moderators, Jen Cohen, Cecily Kellogg and Bill Parlaman for providing outstanding sessions in the B2C track.
Chuck just sent me the back half of my presentation, which I’m told I should have up here on my site so everybody can see that I know how to use a laser pointer. When the whole presentation is available, I’ll replace this with that.
Don Lafferty SoMeBizLife Excerpt from Your Marketing Exec, LLC on Vimeo.
Facebook Ads – An Effective Way to Jumpstart Your Businesses Marketing
Join me, Donald Maass, Jonathan Maberry and Bobbi Carducci at the 2013 Pennwriters Conference
The Brandywine Valley Writers Group Presents, Social Media for Writers
Social Media for Writers at the Princeton Public Library
Introducing Mingl Social – A Delaware Valley Social Media Marketing Agency
How to Get More Likes, Comments and Shares on Facebook – A Dan Zarrella Joint
The Mystery Writers of America presents, Social Media for Antisocial Authors
Why Your Business Must Go Social – INFOGRAPHIC